1 Square 7 Visions
Awarded Projects
On July 11, the Competition Jury met to discuss the proposals. The projects shortlisted by the Jury will be subjected to the public vote. You can choose your favourite projects:
– on Plac Defilad (Parade Square) during the competition showcase using Virtual Reality technology on September 9-11, 2016
– via placdefilad.futuwawa.pl website on September 9-16, 2016
Projects selected during the final voting of the Competition Jury as well as the most popular projects from the public vote will be presented during an awards' ceremony (the second half of September).
About FUTUWAWA "Look at the Square"
Three previous editions of the International FUTUWAWA Competition allowed to gather and present more than 500 projects for Warsaw of the Future on the futuwawa.pl website. The resulting space is an area of an unrestricted experiment that allows you to play with the city, but also subject it to a discussion.
This year, FUTUWAWA focuses on the most discussed and the most promising area of the capital city, with huge city-forming potential – Parade Square (Defilad Square). Taking into account the investments that are planned in some of its parts, the announced competition concerns the vision of this place. We would like to invite residents of Warsaw, architects, artists, students and everyone from around the world who would like to share their ideas for Parade Square to take part in the 4th International FUTUWAWA Competition – „Look at the Square”.
Parade Square (Defilad Square) is a central place in Warsaw not only due to its location. This is a crossroad of ideas, inspirations, plans, interests and conflicts, but also our dreams and needs related to the quality of urban areas in the capital.
The topic is widely known in Warsaw. A new architectural project for the Museum of Modern Art and TR Warszawa Theatre, a longstanding debate on the development plan for the Square... Nevertheless, this discussion is not complete without talking about a vision for the Square and without answering some general (or even tricky) questions. What are the future functions for the Square? What is going to fill in its area? What are the specific rules for it?
The Competition allows us to look for new ideas that will help to breathe new life into Parade Square. It is not our intention to abolish existing plans, but we also do not want to stick too close to them, as this is the only way to organize a vision-oriented competition.
The Award of the Jury will are selected by:
-Professor Krzysztof Domaradzki (Warsaw University of Technology, DAWOS studio)
-Professor Sławomir Gzell (Warsaw University of Technology)
-Krzysztof Herbst, PhD (Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives - FISE)
-Dorota Jarecka (Studio Gallery)
-Roman Pawłowski (TR Warszawa Theatre)
-Katarzyna Sadowy, PhD (Warsaw Branch of the Association of Polish Architects - SARP)
-Wojciech Wagner (Head of the Department of Public Space Aesthetics, City of Warsaw)
-Marcel Andino Velez (Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw)
Financial prizes are awarded in two categories:
-Award of the Jury: 7,000 PLN
-Three Audience Awards: 1,000 PLN each
In addition to that, in-kind prizes will be given to the winners in the following categories: Competition Jury Award, Competition Jury Honourable Mention and 3 awards decided by the public vote. In-kind prizes are founded by VALEVSKY home&deco (total worth: 16,700 PLN).